Monday, June 7, 2010

Schart Hyman's Little Red Riding Hood

Okay, I know I'm not supposed to be talking to strangers. But seriously, mom is constantly nagging me. Don't do this, don't do that, use your manners, walk straight there...IT NEVER ENDS! She's constantly telling me what to do and what not to do. I got sick of it! And that wolf looked friendly. He was so nice walking along with me with his flowing grey hair. How was I supposed to know that he was going to sneak ahead and eat Grandma? Hey Mom, nice job with the warnings, you never said not to tell anyone Grandma's address! Didn't think of that one did you?!
And honestly, did you never notice the issue with my eyesight? I didn't notice until my head was in his jaws that it was the wolf not Grandma. Glasses probably would have helped.
I guess it isn't important now though, the hunter got me out, and Grandma's feeling better now.
It all turned out fine in the end. And I mean, the hunter got to kill the wolf, he's been waiting years to do that. So I guess I actually did him a favor. Yeah, I was doing something kind for someone. You're all about manners mom, being kind to others must count for something. Honestly she shouldn't be mad at me. Definitely shouldn't have grounded me for a month. Overreacting if I've ever seen it. She won't even hear my side of the argument? Too bad she doesn't have big hairy ears the better to hear me with. She does seem to have the ability to eat me alive though.

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